Eudora 1.5.4, 2.0 Setup

Getting Started

  1. Under POP account, enter your e-mail address.
  2. Enter your Real Name.
  3. Uncheck Offline under Connection Method.

Personal Information

  1. Under POP account, enter your e-mail address
  2. Enter your Real Name.
  3. Under Return address, Enter you e-mail address.


  1. In the SMTP box, enter:
  2. Leave Ph, and Finger blank

Checking Mail

  1. Set Check for mail to your preference.
  2. Put an X in the Send on check and Save password options.
  3. Authentication Style should be set to Password.

Sending Mail

  1. Verify Return Address and SMTP server.
  2. Set options to your preferences.


  1. Encoding method should be set to BinHex.

The rest of the options are set to your preference.


Email:  Revised: May 1, 2000

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